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Climate Bill Stalemate: The Unfinished Business of Massachusetts’ Legislative Session

A variety of bills relating to the future of clean energy and a resilient climate in the Commonwealth to keep it on track to meet its 2050 climate goals of net-zero emissions were consolidated into the climate omnibus bill for this session.

By Sophia Gosselin-Smoske read more Icon arrow

The Inflation Reduction Act Changes the Game for Nonprofits and Local Governments

Hot off the heels of the Federal Infrastructure Bill and the CHIPS and Science Act, the newly passed Federal Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), passed on August 12, 2022, is a nearly $400 billion legislative package that expands tax incentives and discounts for solar, electric vehicles and battery equipment, and other renewable energy resources.

By Julia Damiano read more Icon arrow

Understanding the Infrastructure Act

On November 15, 2021, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, a $1.2 trillion piece of legislation with $550 billion in new spending, became law. To help you follow the money, the PowerOptions team has compiled the following list, outlining major upcoming grants included in the new law relating to your energy needs.

By Julia Damiano read more Icon arrow

Delay of MOPR Elimination Increasing Energy Costs

As in many states across the country, the clock is ticking on making the Commonwealth’s electric grid cleaner. Passed last year, An Act Creating a Next-Generation Roadmap for Massachusetts Climate Policy requires that Massachusetts cut its carbon emissions in half by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050. To accomplish this, millions of residents and businesses will need to be served by renewable energy sources within the decade.

By Julia Damiano read more Icon arrow

Massachusetts Emissions Plan Will Backfire

This week The Boston Globe reported on an emissions reduction plan issued by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), which would cap the emissions from in-state power plants in order to comply with a Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) decision finding that the state was not on track to comply with the Global Warming Solutions […]

By PowerOptions Team read more Icon arrow
Eversource Finds a Loophole

Eversource Finds a Loophole

Yesterday’s announcement of an Eversource/DONG Energy joint venture for offshore wind development should send shivers up the spine of anyone who recalls the strategy behind restructuring the Massachusetts electric industry almost 20 years ago. This massive effort with deep impacts on the marketplace is exactly the kind of transaction the law was designed to prevent. […]

By PowerOptions Team read more Icon arrow
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