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Time to Assess Energy Efficiency Plans

Time to Assess Energy Efficiency Plans

Massachusetts has a long, successful history of energy efficiency programs and there are many reasons to ensure that continues. But the state cannot make the kind of financial investments that it has made (currently more than $1 billion over three years) and not closely examine the costs and impacts on customers. The costs are significant […]

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Time to Reassess the Green Communities Act

Time to Reassess the Green Communities Act

Much has been made on both sides of the green energy debate about Attorney General Martha Coakley’s testimony at a recent legislative hearing on the Green Communities Act. Her testimony was the most objective and comprehensive examination of the energy policies and activities in the state among all of the speakers of the day. She […]

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GCA Wreaks Havoc on Utility Rate Structure

GCA Wreaks Havoc on Utility Rate Structure

Massachusetts’ Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy held a hearing yesterday on the effectiveness of the Green Communities Act (GCA). I was among those who testified, including Attorney General Coakley, officials from DOER, the Patrick Administration, utilities, business groups and others. From my perspective, there are many things that have worked well in the […]

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Funding Technological Advancements

Funding Technological Advancements

Technological advancements are changing almost every facet of our lives and have for some time. The energy marketplace is no different, and there are tremendous opportunities for utilizing technology to increase efficiencies, improve delivery and reduce costs. But there are several roadblocks in the way of proper adaptation of technology and, to me, several easy […]

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Merger of NU and NSTAR Threat to Competitors

Merger of NU and NSTAR Threat to Competitors

Much has been argued in the proceeding before the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) about the appropriate standard of review for the merger of Northeast Utilities (NU) and NSTAR. Initially, the companies filed their case under the long standing precedent of “no net harm” to ratepayers. Later the Department of Energy Resources advocated for a […]

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Nothing New or Renewable About Northern Pass

Nothing New or Renewable About Northern Pass

Perhaps you’ve seen commercials on New England Cable News about the Northern Pass project. So far, I’ve seen two commercials – one that didn’t even say Northern Pass is an energy project, the other mentioned renewable hydro power but didn’t mention that the core of the project are massive new transmission lines. The pitch has […]

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