
Get SMART with Solar: New Opportunities with Expanded Solar and Storage Incentives

If you’ve been considering solar or storage and have been locked out of incentive blocks because of over-subscription, now’s the time to reconsider. Massachusetts’ newly expanded solar incentives, SMART 2.0, offer new opportunities that make solar and storage projects more economical and open up previously fully-subscribed territories.

This 45-minute webinar will help you to take advantage of these new solar opportunities. Changes to SMART include increased benefits for public projects, expedited interconnection, better incentives for behind-the-meter projects, and new storage requirements.

  • The new SMART 2.0 incentives and how they impact customers
  • Combining storage with solar to lower overall energy costs
  • Solar projects that maximize incentives and work for your specific site
  • PowerOptions expanded solar program with Solect Energy, aligned well with SMART 2.0

As with the previous incentive program, certain territories will fill up fast, and the value of incentives decrease over time. We encourage interested members to attend this webinar, to get a head start on their projects.

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